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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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World Around Us

Welcome to P5G's World Around Us page!

Here you can see what P5G are doing in World Around Us;

  • Tour of Hardy Memorial
  • Hardy Memorial: Old and New
  • Tour of Richhill
  • Reflective Clothing Investigation

Tour of Hardy Memorial - In November, the boys and girls of P5G went on a tour of a well known building ... Hardy Memorial! We learnt about how the building was different whenever it was built nearly 90 years ago! We had great fun learning more about our school's history.

Hardy Memorial: Old and New - Following our tour of the school building, P5G used photographs as well as their own knowledge to compare the old and new parts of our school building. We sorted the pictures to see the differences and had a go at some drawing ourselves!

Tour of Richhill - On a "fresh" November morning, the pupils of P5G went on a tour of Richhill. We visited some important places of interest within Richhill - the War Memorial, St Matthew's Church, Richhill Castle, the Old Presbyterian Church, Richhill Recreation Centre and others. We found it interesting learning more about our village.

Reflective Clothing Investigation - As part of the "Light and Sound" topic, the pupils of P5G conducted an experiment to see which colour of clothing is the most effective for good visibility at night. We conducted our own experiment. We coloured six different t-shirts, cut them out, placed them on black card, and used torches to see which reflected light the best. We thought that the white and yellow were the most reflective colours at night.
