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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Activ Travel Superheroes!!

Congratulations and well done to our P3-7 pupils who took part in the challenge. 55% of our pupils were able to complete the 10 active journeys within 15 days. A huge thankyou to Mr Smyth who organised the event through Dave Wiggins and Sustrans Travel. All those who took part were then entered into a prize draw for Easter Eggs. Dave also donated two hugely popular new books as prizes and they were won by a P3 and P6 child. Incidentally 75% of P3 pupils took part. That was a fantastic effort.

Thankyou once again to all our parents who supported their children. We will now move on to our final initiative - THE BIG PEDAL! Little steps help to reduce congestion and ease traffic problems, let us work together to continue improving this.
