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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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  • Jimmy's Next Adventure

    Fri 26 Jun 2015 T D Woods

    Extract from my last Jimmy Story told in Final Assembly:-


    The end of the school year is a milestone in the lives of many of us. Our pupils from P2 up to P6 have already met next year’s teachers and spent a short time in their new classrooms.  Already they are thinking about next year and the things they have to remember!


    Our P7 pupils have really enjoyed their time at Hardy but they are not so sure about the future.  They will miss Hardy and friends who will be going to different schools in September.

    They will miss the children that they play with at break-time; have shared secrets with and who have helped them in countless ways. 




    My friend Jimmy felt just like you when it was time for him to leave primary school and go to the ‘big’ school!  Some of his best friends were going to different schools and he was worried about lots of things.  He was worried about travelling to school on the bus every day.  He was worried about finding his way round his new school and he was worried about all the homework that he had heard about.  How would he ever do a French homework when he didn’t even enjoy doing his homeworks in English? 


    He thought, ‘Life isn’t going to be much fun in the future.’


    On the last Friday of the school year Jimmy was bored. He wanted to do something exciting.  He decided to go on an adventure – a bit of a mystery tour.  He walked past the castle and down the hill. He stopped on the way for a look at the workmen laying the gas pipes.


    "I wonder will the school get a supply soon?" he thought.  "I must ask Mr McCrea on Monday - he's sure to know."


    He stopped at Supervalu and checked his pockets. He would have loved his favourite chocolate bar but he hadn’t enough money.

    He continued on round the corner in to Sleepy Valley and down towards the new petrol station.


    It took ages to safely cross the Armagh Road but he had to cross for he wanted to go up the Crewcatt Road to have a look at the old factory.


    Jimmy’s teacher knew everything and she had told him how this old building  had once been Fruitfield Jam Factory and how Fruitfield jams had been sold all over Ireland!


    Much of the roof was gone and birds were flying in through the open windows and doors but amazingly the distinctive brick chimney built in 1900 was still standing.


    "I wonder if there is anything inside - an old jam jar or a label or two to show my friends?  I wonder is it safe?  Should I go in?"


    Just then an old sheep dog appeared. The old dog took one look at the open door and boldly walked in. Right behind the dog was one of Jimmy’s best friends – Peter.


    Jimmy was never afraid when Peter was around and in a few minutes the boys had followed Peter’s dog into the old factory!


    You see – when we are on our own we can be very nervous but with a good friend beside us we can do things that are not possible on our own. 


    When you go to your new schools in September make sure you go together with your friends from Hardy.  They will be nervous too but together you will be able to go through that new school door to begin the next great adventure.




    By the way both Peter and Jimmy got into terrible trouble for going into the old building – and they didn’t find a thing!


    Let us Pray

    Dear Heavenly Father

    Thank you for all the wonderful times we have enjoyed in school this year.  May those of us returning in September be refreshed by the long summer break and be prepared for all the new challenges that lie ahead.  May all who are leaving look forward with confidence and trust in our very best friend Jesus Christ to help them take the next step on their life’s journey. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name and for His Glory.  Amen

  • Final Assembly

    Wed 24 Jun 2015 T D Woods

    Our Final Assembly on Friday of this week will be an emotional affair for our P7s and others who are leaving Hardy in the summer!  At this event we will be presenting the major awards of the year and we would ask you to ensure that children wear full school uniform for this event as there will be lots of photographic opportunities and we would like the children to look their very best.  I have even bought a new tie for this event!

  • Brainwaves

    Mon 08 Jun 2015 T D Woods
    The final total raised for BRAINWAVES as a result of your generous donations at Sports Days was £436.76. Thank you!
  • Paris Pictures

    Mon 01 Jun 2015
    The P7s and staff have just returned from a great trip to Paris! here are our pictures.....