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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Georgia O'Keeffe

We have been studying the artist Georgia O'Keeffe in art class.

Georgia's aim was to make busy New Yorkers stop and look at flowers amidst the business of life. To do this she magnified sections of flowers and used bold abstract colours to grab attention. We used our iPads to magnify images of flowers and drew them using pencils, oil pastels, watercolours and watercolour pencils.

Fingerprint Christmas scenes

P7 have been working with Mrs Kinkead at chalk snowmen pictures. We have focused on shading when the object is white to make it stand out. We have also been thinking about blending the colours and where to put our shadows depending on the position of the sun.



This is our attempts at Van Gough's 'Sunflowers''

 We enjoyed using paint to wash the background colour in and then oil pastels to recreate this famous picture.

Mr Collins told us all about Vincent Van Gough and how he lived in virtual poverty until he died, at a young age. His paintings only became famous after his death!
