Web links
Libraries NI The app has amazing access to e-books and e-magazines
BBC Bitesize Covers many topics we focus on in Primary 4
Twinkl Super resources to your child's learning
Topmarks Daily 10 Mental Maths
BBC Teach Resources for topics we focus on in P4
NRICH Mathematical experiences for all learners
Everyschool Free online educational activities and games
DK Find Out Research for a World Around Us Topic
National Geographic Kids Research for a WAU topic
You Tube Art for Kids Hub Weekly ideas to ensure progression and appreciation of primary school art.
Scholastic Stories to listen to and word match activities,
Oliver Jeffers Oliver Jeffers, the children’s author from Belfast, has taken to the internet to do a live reading of one of his books each night and talking about where he got his ideas for the stories.
World eBook Free ebooks
Links below have individual logins that children have already been provided
Espresso Curriculum-centred primary teaching resource
Active Learn A digital learning space for pupils
Nessy Learn reading and spelling skills