Our Monthly Award Winners
Playing at Hardy
The boys and girls loved playing outside after a busy morning with lots of Science activities.

Sentinus- Machines
Pupils worked very hard in teams to create different machines like windmills and cars. It was tricky work but we were able to work with others to help each other. The results were fantastic and you can see from our faces how proud we are of our very hard work!
Comparing Numbers
We are looking at using symbols to compare numbers.

Today, we looked at an articles about owls after our Birds of Prey session last week. We were able to listen to and read the article, watch a video clip and look at the pictures. After this we left a comment for others to read.
Look up Newsdesk to find our excellent comments!
Problem Solving
P3 had great fun today learning a new problem solving strategy! They loved the challenge. Look at the strategies we have learnt this year. I hope they are using them in their homeworks too!
Science Week 2018
Pupils were set a challenge to make the tallest tower!!! It was a little tricky to begin with but using their team work skills; pupils made some excellent structures! They have created some advice for an future engineers!
1. Make sure the base can stand up on its own. Try to use a small square or triangle at the base.
2. Try to make the base stable - use extra spaghetti
to make crosses between the marshmallows.
Finally use Mrs Turbitt's advice... keep checking to see if the tower is stable!