P6K Mrs Kennedy
Some of P6K had been researching poverty in Northern Ireland with Mr. Gibson. They wanted to help and decided to have a food collection for Armagh Food Bank. We would like to thank everyone for their very kind donations.
I’M A PRIMARY 6 GET ME OUT OF HERE!! In our literacy we have been learning what it means to be brave.
Measuring length
P6K Class Assembly on Teamwork. An excellent performance by all. Great work!
Measuring Capacity.
Rainforest craft work

Award winners (May). Great work!

P6 have been finding out about ecosystems.
Award winners in March. Great work everyone!

Superhero/Wear Yellow Day

We ended term two with an EASTER EGG HUNT!
Take a look at our wonderful rainforest animals.
Exploring 3D nets

Well done to our Mental Maths Chair Swap winners!
We used our understanding of fractions and percentages to complete the task 'Fraction Wall' using IZAK 9.
Maths Challenge: P6 worked together to plan a movie. Each pair had a budget of £800 to spend on a set, actors, advertising and props.
We enjoyed playing maths games.
Using the iPad app 'Paper 53' we created sketches of Mount Fuji.
W5 was a big hit with Primary 6. We thoroughly enjoyed their experiments!
We really enjoyed taking part in some science experiments this week.

Award winners in February. Super work!

This term we have been learning about Japan. We tested our paper folding skills with some origami.
This week we have been participating in a lot of exciting activities for World Book Day. We have taken part in a book swap and had a visit from a local author.
Safer Internet Day 2018. Primary 6 found out how to stay safe online.
Anti-Bullying Week. In Primary 6 we helped raise awareness of bullying and highlighted ways of preventing and responding to it.
Award winners in January. Well done!

Our World Around Us topic is Fairtrade. When out shopping Primary 6 have been keeping an eye out for some Fairtrade products. Here are a few items they have found and brought into school.

To celebrate our achievement and success with Santa’s Little Workshop P6 decided to go to Jumpboxx and McDonald’s. We all had a fantastic day!
P6 IN DISGUISE! Can you figure out who is behind each disguise? Use the clues to help you.
Guess who?

Well done to December's award winners!

Primary 6 have made a colourful start to 2018. We have been looking at the work of artist Wassily Kandinsky and painted our own representation.
Santa’s Little Workshop are very pleased to announce that we are SOLD OUT of all our products. A huge thank you to all our customers and Fruitfield. We wish everyone a wonderful Christmas!
Meet some of our wonderful snowmen. They are now on sale (£4 each) in school and also at Fruitfield on Thursday 14th December.
Award winners in November. Well done everyone!
It’s been very busy in Santa’s Little Workshop this week. A lot of products on the production line at the minute and many orders being processed. Keep a look out for our sale dates coming up soon.
Open night was a very successful evening for Santa’s Little Workshop. We are overwhelmed by the demand for our products and delighted with the support we have received. Thank you very much! It is back to the workshop for us to get more products ready for sale.
Santa’s Little Workshop will have a stall at open night on Thursday evening. Make sure to call over and see two of our wonderful products on sale. We will be delighted to see you there.

A lot of exciting things have been happening in Santa’s Little Workshop recently. We have been making our products, asking for investment and marketing our items. All team members are doing a fantastic job! Remember to keep an eye out for our products going on sale soon.
We have been focusing on long multiplication this week.
It was wonderful to have Primary 2 children join us in Primary 6 today. All children involved thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each other.
We were delighted to have our Business Advisor in today to assist our teams.
Our production team hard at work! Keep a look out for our wooden reindeers going on sale soon.

P6 enjoyed making Viking spears.
MEET THE TEAM! P6K are taking part in the Business Beginnings Programme and we are very excited to announce our team and product ideas.
Problem Solving Tasks with IZAK9 (October)
Award winners in October. Great work!

The day the Vikings invaded Hardy!
Multiplication games are a fun way to start our day!
It was XFactor week with Jeanie Graham. Primary 6 worked in groups to plan and act out different scenarios.
Problem solving with IZAK9 (September)
P6K have created wonderful posters about Vikings using Pic Collage
Award winners in September. Well Done!

PDMU with Jeanie Graham - learning about the dangers associated with alcohol.
Healthy kidz Programme

We have been rounding numbers in P6
P6 have thoroughly enjoyed creating an eBook on migration as part of the Wordsmith unit 'Animals on the Move'.
P6 really enjoyed playing Place Value games.
P6 have been using mental maths strategies to calculate addition problems.

Vertical addition in P6