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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Term 2

Hot seating Little Red Riding Hood and the Lone Wolf

Finding right angles

Can you find.....well we all found really interesting objects to match the descriptions.

Exciting events 😊

Our last week of hockey with Christine. We have thoroughly enjoyed every week and have gained so many new skills. Thank you Christine ⭐️🏑

Learning all about our oceans and how the sea life breathe, eat and survive. As part of British Science week we then investigated the effects of an oil spill on the sea life and specifically birds. We tested what happens a feather in water then oily water. We also investigated how to remove the oil by skimming or by using a detergent to disperse the oil.

Creating animal pictures using old newspapers to create artwork as part of our Eco Warriors topic

Using Google Slides simultaneously with St Patrick’s Primary School for Shared Education. Creating a slide together about an endangered animal.

Division by grouping

Week 7 hockey with Christine Russell

As part of British Science Week P4 had super fun making purchases from the Science Gadget Stall

Litres and half litres

Fun with water! Estimating how much each container holds to the nearest litre or half litre.

Completing research about endangered animals for Shared Education

Finding out about standard units for capacity

Locating words in the dictionary and finding their meanings.

We certainly created a stir on World Book Day by decorating a wooden spoon as a book character

Measuring in centimetres using a tape measure

Measuring the perimeter of a leaf in centimetres

P4M completed their Shared Education activity on Google Classroom along with their friends from St Patrick’s. They read an article called ‘Going, going gone’ on the C2k Junior Newsdesk and were able to share their thoughts and ideas using comments about endangered animals.

Super research being completed before making comments in Google Classroom.

Creating Eco board games

Forest School planning about deciduous and evergreen trees

Snow days are the best days ❄️

Creating contracted words and making sure the apostrophe is in the correct place