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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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It's hard to make decisions, but it was great fun deciding where the children and their friends were going. We made decisions sorting for one criteria.

Using our Goldrush Treasure Map, we were investigating right angles and turning left and right. I wondering did anyone find the treasure...

Today we were investigating right angles in our classroom. We used our right angle finding to help us.

We had great fun using Expresso to find the capacities of different containers in ml.

Today we were investigating length. We used our own 1/2 metre strips to measure objects in the classroom. We also worked in pairs to find objects that were over 1 metre.

We had great fun on Numbers day in school. We loved the game Who wants to be a Mathionaire

In Numeracy we have been lookng at Money and learning how to exchange coins, calculate total cost and give change. Here are a few photographs to show you all our hard work!

We are still focusing on Place Value this term and have been playing games like Stamp, Clap and Click and using our whiteboards to look at numbers.
