Health and Well-Being Week 2019
Mindful Monday
To begin our Health and Well-Being Week, Heather came into school to lead assembly. It was a brilliant assembly! She challenged us to try and connect with others in school and at home.
P3 enjoyed their collaborative art lesson which gave pupils an opportunity to connect with P5 pupils. It was lovely to see pupils getting to know each other. We each designed a unique feather which will create a final collaborative piece of art.

Think Fit Tuesday
We participated in a fantastic workout session led by Mrs Logan. We used videos from Joe Wicks and an excellent song- Get Funky! The dance moves were amazing!!!
Well Balanced Wednesday
Thanks to Tesco and Supervalu for their kind donation of fruit. Pupils loved their healthy break today!

Take Care Thursday
A huge thank you to Mrs Russell who chatted to P3 about her work as a nurse. She brought lots of different items into class to show us. Pupils loved learning about her job.

Take Care Thursday
Feel Good Friday
Excited for our Family Fun Workout and Colour Run!!!

After the Colour Run! We had lots of fun!!