Play Based Learning
We made caterpillars using bottle tops! Then we ordered our caterpillars longest to shortest!

Investigating bugs!

Creating bugs using a variety of construction materials!

Our Jolly Post Office!

Programming Postie-Bot to deliver letters!

Planting Beans

Little Red Riding Hood and Grandma!
Our Topic for Term 2a is Polar Lands. We have been busy finding out about Emperor Penguins, Reindeer and Polar Bears.

Our completed Emperor Penguin! An Emperor Penguin is about the same size as a Primary One boy or girl!
We set up a Polar Cafe

We went fishing!

Look at the reindeer antler and hide!

We completed this polar jig-saw!

We programmed Bee-Bot to visit some polar animals!

Our topic for Term 1B is 'Under Construction.' We have been looking at the different types of houses we live in, the rooms in our houses and the furniture in each room. We made houses from junk materials, we painted houses and even built houses!

Our topic this term is Bread. The text, 'The Little Red Hen,' provided the stimulus. We baked bread which our cook, Miss Rolston, kindly cooked for us - we hope you enjoyed your mini loaf! We tasted different breads from around the world. We practised writing our names in flour and our numbers in dough. In Art, we made muffins out of paper plates and decorated 'sponge cakes' and 'tray bakes.' We sold all our products in our 'in house' bakery!