Term 1
Week 7 - 13.12.21
WAU/Forest School - We lit the fire today in Forest School and had some lovely toasted tea cakes! YUMMY SCRUMMY π
Week 5 (29.11.21) and Week 6 (6.12.21)
Week 4 - 22.11.21
Literacy/Phonics - Primary 1 have been learning all about the letter ‘p’, we know the sound it makes and we have been creating wonderful CVC ‘p’ words. What other way would you remember the ‘p’ sound except by having pepperoni or pineapple at the PIZZA PARTY! π
Week 3 - 15.11.21
Literacy - Modelled Writing and Straw Houses for our story this week on ‘The Three Little Pigs’ π·
Literacy - Using teabags from Thomas the teddy to form our new sound t!
Literacy - We had a visit from Secret Agent S, who informed us that the Sound Snatcher was coming to steal our sounds for the week. We got sneaky and used our invisible ink pens to write ‘it’s all around the room. We could see them with our special light, but shhhhhhh don’t tell the Sound Snatcher!
Numeracy - We have been looking at our numbers 1-5 in consolidation. We can now use the language of “one more” and “one less”, look at our pictures! We noticed that when we added one more each time, our cubes looked like stairs!
Week 2 - 08.11.21
Forest School/Literacy: Primary 1 have been enjoying our book ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’, we took this book to the forest today and created our own houses with sticks, trunks and leaves. What fantastic fun! π³
Term 1b Week 1 - 01.11.21
Numeracy - ALL THINGS FIVE! π Primary 1 have been representing, composing and writing the numeral 5. Our rhyme has been particularly useful this week ‘short neck, belly fat, number five wears a hat’.
Literacy - This week we have had the introduction of sounds. Primary 1 have started with the sounds ‘m’ and ‘a’. This has been great fun, we had a visit from Ally the Alligator and fed him our handwritten letter A’s. For the letter ‘m’ we used brown muddy paint and shaving foam. This was MARVELLOUS.
Week 7 - 18.10.21
WAU/Literacy - Did you know baby pigs are called piglets, mummy pigs are called sows and daddy pigs are called boars? P1 loved meeting Percy and Penny the piglets. We said they felt like “velvet”, but unfortunately we didn’t appreciate their smell π· π· π·

Week 6 - 11.10.21
WAU/Literacy - A huge thank you to Burkes Of Cornascriebe Ltd for taking two of your fantastic New Holland tractors into school for Primary 1 to see and learn about. We were very excited to get inside for a look. Thank you again! π
Week 5 - 04.10.21
World Around Us/Literacy - We have enjoyed a visit this week from the beautiful Ziggy. Primary 1 are now experts in all things horses π π΄
The Little Red Hen has been a very popular book in our Farm topic. P1 have been learning about the process of making flour and how to use it to make bread. P1 tried this process too! The bread was YUMMYπ π
Week 4 - 27.09.21
Literacy/WAU/Outdoor Learning - We have been enjoying the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ this week which has been particularly interesting as this fits into our FARM topic. We enjoyed a visit from two beautiful chickens, their names are ‘Betty’ and ‘Bertha’. There was great excitement when we were able to feed the chickens and feel their feathers. To top it all off we were kindly left eggs from Betty and Bertha which we scrambled the next day for our snack, YUM! π£ππ₯π
Learning Through Play (Outdoors) - OUR OUTDOOR AREA IS OPEN! The builders have finished and we are back! The welly boots and waterproofs are on and we are ready! P1 are very pleased to be outside and enjoying our fantastic area, we enjoyed the mud kitchen, loose parts, creative, water and construction areas.
Week 3 - 20.09.21
Numeracy - It’s all about the numeral 2! We have been representing two, composing two and forming the numeral two. We have also been looking at 2D shapes - our shape hunt was great fun!
WEEK 2 - 13.09.21
Learning Through Play / WAU - Primary 1 have been extremely busy in the farm shop this week, we have been buying and selling different produce you would find in a typical farm shop. We have enjoyed this VERY much.
Literacy - Primary 1 have been learning new words this week! We have enjoyed the story of ‘Farmer Duck’ and have been working very hard on our pencil control. Scissor skills is something we had great fun working on this week, check out our pictures!
Numeracy - It’s all about the NUMBER 1! What a busy week in Numeracy, we have learnt how to recognise, read and write the numeral 1. We are now EXPERTS!
Theo and Rory Charity Event

WEEK 1 - 06.09.21
Primary 1 have been enjoying their first week of school! We have been learning through play and have been busy in all our wonderful areas. Primary 1E have formed true friendships this week and have settled into the busy routine of P1 very quickly.
Our First Week

Literacy and Language - We have been working hard practising our talking and listening skills this week. We enjoyed Forest school and listening for environmental sounds. Mrs Erskine read ‘The Noisy Farm’, we listened for the sounds in the book.
Mathematics and Numeracy - We have been busy bees this week in our Numeracy lessons. We have been learning about one-to-one correspondence and we represented this with biscuits and sweets - DELICIOUS! We have also been learning about one-to-one matching. We used items such as socks, letters, dice, counters etc. to make matches. This was great fun, especially when we thought the socks belonged to Mrs E.
The Arts - Primary 1 have been showing off their artistic skills this week by painting their self-portraits . Well done P1 they are wonderful βΊοΈ