Term 2 (Mrs Erskine)
Literacy/WAU - Post Office Visit! We wrote letters to someone in our house, we walked to the Post Office in Richhill and bought a second class stamp for our envelopes.
Literacy/WAU - In our new topic (The Jolly Postman) we have been looking at the story ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’. Goldilocks left a letter for us asking if we could make a recipe for some lovely porridge as she felt awful about eating baby bears!🐻 We lit the fire and used 2 1/2 cups of oats, 3 cups of milk. We found that the method was to STIR! It was definitely the most scrumptious porridge we had ever tasted. Some even said it was better than their mums😅🙃
Numeracy/WAU/Forest School - For our ‘l’ sound we made lollipops and sold them in Forest School for 3p - what a bargain! 😋
Literacy - Our new sound ‘e’ was brilliant fun. We boiled eggs, and wrote the letter ‘e’ on them. As a class we made predictions as to what would happen when we rolled them down the hill. Unfortunately, a few of our eggs cracked. Some P1’s were disappointed there were no chicks inside 🐣 🥚
Literacy - We made kites for the sound k, before we went outside we made predictions to see if they would fly or not. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough wind 💨🫣
Numeracy - We have been using part-whole models to investigate different ways of making 5! We now know that 3 and 2 make 5 and 4 and 1 make 5.