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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Term 1

Step into Christmas🎶 🎄Let’s join together🎶 We can watch the snow fall forever and ever🎶🌨❄️

Christmas jumper day!! 🎄⭐️ Getting into the Christmas spirit. 🌟

Ditch the dark day - Plenty of great bright colours on display in P5A!! 😊💡

Well done to our November Prizewinners.👏🎉

World Around Us - Living History workshop presented by the Palace Stables. School was very different in Victorian times!!! We thoroughly enjoyed our special day. 😊👏

P5A School Council members

P5A Eco Council members

P5A Digital Leaders

Mental Maths - We enjoyed playing the Pirate Parrot game to help us recall our 9 times tables! Plenty of concentration was used! 👍

Young Enterprise - Our city. We explored how to plan where to put different buildings in a city. In our groups we planned how we would create a new restaurant. We were great planners! 💡

Numeracy - 2d shapes. We created a variety of 2d shapes using geo - strips and investigated the different properties of the shapes. 🔎

Anti - Bullying week - Odd sock day. Every one of us is unique and special. 🙂

Numeracy/ Forest School - Transient Art. We worked together to create symmetrical patterns inside our 2d shape frames.

Literacy/WAU - Creating ‘senses’ poems describing the delights of Richhill. ✍🏻

ICT - Mental Maths- Using games to develop our Addition skills

Well done to our October Prizewinners. 👏🎉

Numeracy - We had great fun working at our addition calculations using the Great dice game! ➕

Forest school - Our Autumn leaf slide show! 🍁🍂 We found different Autumn leaves and created a slide show to investigate colour, detail, shape and form. We discovered lots of beautiful leaves.

Pumpkin Fair- We had a great time visiting the Pumpkin Fair at Woodview Garden centre. We learnt about pumpkins, apples and vegetables. We even visited the Christmas tree wood! Thank you very much to the staff at Woodview for their very kind invitation to visit. It was a wonderful experience! 🙂👏

World Around Us - Where I live. We investigated some of the landmarks in Richhill. We learned about St Matthew’s church, the Richardson’s coat of arms, Richhill castle and Dr Hemmingway’s house. Richhill is a very special place! ⭐️

Well done to our September Prizewinners. 👏🎉

Forest School and World Around Us - We worked together in groups to create pictures of landmarks in Richhill. This is called Transient Art. We had some great ideas how to create our picture using natural materials we found in the Hardy wood. 🌲🍃

180 Sponsored Activity. Well done everyone! We worked very hard completing our exercises. Thank you for all your generous donations. Our whole school raised £4,500

Numeracy - Outdoor Learning. We investigated the numbers on car registration plates to develop our understanding of Place Value. In our second number investigation we explored using the digits in the number plates to solve a variety of calculations.

Literacy - Watch out! There’s an Enormous Crocodile about! In small groups we talked together to plan our Freeze frames. We created our Freeze frames to display the Enormous Crocodile’s secret plans and clever tricks!

PE - Andy from the IFA has been coaching us and keeping us on the move!

Accelerated Reading - we have been working very hard at our silent reading . We are enjoying choosing our own books from the Accelerated Reading library.

PE - We have been busy getting fit playing games and trying out our new Trim Trail!
