Useful Links
Useful Links for Parents
NI Direct The official government website for Northern Ireland citizens.
Education Authority Homepage of the single authority that replaced the ELBs at midnight on 31 March 2015
Action for Children Action for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.
Think You Know Great advice to keep children safe whilst using the internet.
The Church of Ireland Church The Church of Ireland church is situated on Main Street, close to the centre of the village. For information about the Church select the link.
Richhill Presbyterian Church Richhill Presbyterian Church is situated on the Corcreevy Road, approximately half a mile from the centre of the village. For information about the Church select the link.
Richhill Methodist Church Richhill Methodist Church is situated on Tandragee Street, close to the centre of the village. For information about the Church select the link.
Roman Catholic Church The Church of St Patrick, Stonebridge is located close to the Battlehill Road roundabout on the A3. For information about the Church select the link.
Richhill Recreation Centre Hardy Memorial School and Armagh City and District Council made a successful bid to 'Big Lottery' for funding to build a Sports Hall in the village. It is used extensively By the school during school hours and is available at other times for use by the general public.
Richhill Library Why not join the Knit and Natter, Rhythm and Rhyme or Adult Reading groups!
Drop Inn Ministries Drop Inn Ministries is an interdenominational Christian Charity based in Richhill. It has provided outreach into many needy areas of the world including Belarus, Albania, Ukraine and Burkina Faso.
BBC Adult Learning Lots of information about getting into learning.
Parents' Resources Articles written by practising teachers designed to help with the education of your child.
Parent Link Practical tips on helping with children's school work.