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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Numeracy - Financial Capability Week. We visited SuperValu in the village. We had £3 to spend and had to keep within our budget. We tried to buy an item for our house, an item for our family and an item for ourselves. We asked for a receipt and used it to review our purchases back in school.

Activity Based Learning - Celebrations

WAU - we loved making Diwali elephants as part of our Celebrations topic. They are all unique!

Numeracy - Barvember Week!

Literacy - we thought about unusual places to live such as space, Antarctica, on an oil rig and on an island.

DITCH THE DARK DAY! We know how to stay safe as the nights become darker.

Numeracy - Money. We can use our understanding to play money games together.
