Term 2
18.03.22 - Trip to Titanic Belfast
Friday 18th March 2022 was truly a day to remember for P7G as we visited Titanic Belfast. We made the journey by coach to Belfast and enjoyed our tour of the Titanic Slipways and Exhibition Centre. The weather was fabulous and helped to make it a wonderful day away! Take a look at some highlights from our trip.
16.03.22 - Science Week - Titanic Floating Experiment
As part of Science Week 2022, P7G conducted a floating experiment. We learnt about displacement and buoyancy, designing and manufacturing boats using aluminium foil. We then counted how many penny coins each boat could hold before sinking. We conducted a fair test, considering our independent (coins) and dependent (boat) variables.
16.03.22 - P.D.M.U. with Jeanie Graham - Week Three
P7G continue to enjoy Jeanie’s visits on Wednesday mornings.
03.03.22 - Fun With Drums
P7G enjoyed their Fun with Drums session where we made some music using djembe drums as well as doing some body percussion. We enjoyed the different games and activities, but we especially enjoyed making some noise!
03.03.22 - Causing a “stir” for World Book Day
For World Book Day 2022, the pupils of Hardy Memorial designed book characters using spoons. Have a look at some familiar faces from the world of fiction in cutlery form!
02.03.22 - P.D.M.U. with Jeanie Graham - Week One
P7G have started our P.D.M.U. lessons with Jeanie Graham on Wednesdays. We were learning about the effects of smoking on the body.
11.02.22 - FND Pyjama Fundraiser Day
On Friday 11th February, P7G looked ready for bed as we wore our pyjamas to raise money for FND. We enjoyed having a relaxed and comfortable day in our jammies, although there was some questionable style!
07.01.22 - P7G are “Bright” Sparks!
P7G have been busy learning about electricity and energy. We were learning about series circuits, parallel circuits and conductors and insulators. By the way … who knew that a Tunnock’s teacake wrapper could be such an effective conductor?