More Super Minibeast Play
We had a fantastic day out to Gosford Forest Park. We learnt so much about the World Around Us by playing outside. We also developed our language and communication skills as we chatted about what we could see, hear and feel! Some of us particularly enjoyed getting very very muddy!
We went on a Minibeast adventure in our school forest. We found lots of bugs!
Outside today we spotted a bee who didn’t have enough energy to fly. We gave it some sugar and water! We also spotted some little bug eggs on a leaf. I wonder what sort of Minibeast they belong to!
We have been reading ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson, as well as some non-fiction books about worms. We found our very own Superworm outside at school! How exciting! Can you see his segments and saddle?
We had so much fun at Sports Day. We all tried our very best and took part in every race!
We can build CVC words on the Interactive Whiteboard
We can use giant Numicon to add two numbers within 10!
We developed our fine motor skills by cutting up real vegetables in the House Corner. We made a salad for the hungry caterpillar!
We retold the story of ‘The Lost Sheep’ and sang a special song about how much God loves us for the Ministers’ Visit assembly this week. We had so much fun and Miss McCann is very proud of all of us!
We have been reading ‘What the Ladybird Heard’. Farmer Bob wrote us a letter to ask us to help him build a den so he could camp out and catch the burglars! We worked together so well to make dens in our school forest! Well done P1!
Thank you so much to these girls for bringing in some interesting creatures for us to enjoy!
We are learning all about Minibeasts through our play!
We have finished our 'Jolly Postman' topic - have a look at our Term 2b learning journey!
We had lots of fun raising money for the NI Air Ambulance - thank you for all your generous donations!
Look how much our beanstalks have grown - we measured them and they are very tall!
Child Initiated Play - creating and labelling our school after our egg hunt!
We read 'We're Going on an Egg Hunt' and then went on our very own egg hunt! We had so much fun looking for eggs outside and writing about our adventure!
Child initiated Play - exploring number bonds to 10
We can use sorting objects to add two sets together!
We can use Numicon to add two numbers!
We made buns for Goldilocks' birthday party, then we wrote a list of ingredients!
We can use Numicon to make numbers 1-15.
We are developing our independence in P1. We can wash our own dishes!
Science Week - We enjoyed lots of science this week. Firstly, we had an exciting visit from W5 who taught us all about water! Then, the Jolly Postman needed us to test which materials were waterproof for his new coat! We have also been investigating what is making our beanstalk grow - water, light and warmth!
We are learning lots through our new topic, The Jolly Postman
Safer Internet Day
We read an e-safety story called, The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin. Smartie got a tablet for his birthday and he reminded us how to stay safe when we are using our tablets. We also learned lots of online safety rules.
Our Topic for Term 2a is Polar Lands.
Look at how busy we have been!
Foundation Stage Nativity Play
Christmas is so much fun in Primary One!
Our PTA Christmas Party
Christmas Jumper Day!
'Ditch the Dark' day
Happy 90th Birthday, Hardy!
To celebrate our school's 90th birthday, we had a very special Assembly. Some former pupils came back to visit along with Mr King and Mr Woods who were past Principals. We had a special birthday cake. We practised writing on slate boards and we played traditional games. A new tree was planted in the school grounds. A tree was also planted when the school opened in 1928. It is really big now!