World Around Us
On 7th February P7H visited the Titanic Centre at Queen’s Island in Belfast. We had a fabulous day and enjoyed our guided ‘Ship of Dreams’ tour before visiting the SS Nomadic, the last surviving ship owned by the White Star Line. The Nomadic was Titanic’s tender, bringing passengers from the port of Cherbourg out to join her before the ship’s ill fated maiden voyage.
P7 pupils welcomed Rachel from Young enterprise to Hardy on the 6th February. They investigated the importing and exporting of goods between countries before playing the ‘Trading Game’. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed this activity and through it developing the skills of team work and cooperation.

What were you doing when the Titanic hit the iceberg?

Designing and making Jack-in-the-Boxes using air as a source of energy.

P7H Pupils Design And Make Balloon Jets
P7H pupils investigate ways of lighting a bulb in an introduction to the topic of 'ELECTRICITY'.

Testing to see which objects are conductors or insulators.

Series and Parallel Circuits

Energy ebooks.
Pupils work in pairs to use the app 'Book Creator' to plan, research and design their own ebooks about 'Energy' on the iPads.

P7 Pupils Visit The Argory
On Thursday 11th October the P7 pupils visited the Argory as part of their WAU topic 'Victorian Times'. They found out what life was like for different social classes at the time of the potato famine in Ireland. The children stepped back in time to 1847 by dressing up in Victorian costumes and applying for jobs in the 'Big House'.
The successful job applicants!
ICT- P7H pupils use an excel spread sheet to adjust the wages for servants in a big house in Victorian Times.
Researching and recording information about Victorian inventions.
Hardy pupils were delighted to welcome Jeannie Graham back to the classrooms this year to raise awareness of the problems associated with smoking, alcohol, drug abuse and related peer pressure.