Term 2
Our egg hunt was great fun. Happy Easter! 🐣

Newspaper Art! 📰
We were learning about ‘Stop Motion’ animation today. We had lots of fun and learnt lots of new ICT skills.
We have been finding out about litter through our topic ‘Eco Warriors’. Today we went litter picking around the village and school grounds.
Stick Stars Hockey Week 8 🏑
Science Week - we used The Curiosity Box to investigate genetics.
Roots of Empathy - Visit 7. Theme - communication
We really enjoyed Scientific Sue!

Endangered animals artwork 🦒

Stick Stars Hockey - week 7


Hot-seating Annie from the book ‘Storm’.
We measured the length of 5 different worms and recorded in cms.
Forest School - finding living and non-living things.
Stick Stars Hockey week 6 🏑


Measuring in metres and half metres.

We used a poem by Kit Wright to do some performance poetry.
Division by sharing
We thoroughly enjoyed decorating our class door for World Book Day 📚

Shared Education - We enjoyed spending the day with our friends from St Patrick’s Primary and finding out about endangered animals. We had a busy day with a visit from Wee Critters, mask making, playing in the park and using paper chatterboxes.

We got to hear all about where author/illustrator duo Swapna Haddow and Sheena Dempsey got their ideas and found out their top tips for creating our own stories. We also did a live draw-a-long.
Stick Stars Hockey Week 5


Roots of Empathy - this week we found out how to keep a baby safe at home.
Pancake Tuesday 🥞

Stick Stars Hockey - Week 4


Museum on the Move - we enjoyed finding out about life in Northern Ireland during the Second World War. We got to explore a fascinating selection of real objects and carry out a guided investigation of coins, local ration books and ‘make do and mend’ materials.
Comparing the Weight of Items to 1kg
Shared Education - researching endangered animals.
Stick Stars Hockey - Week 3


Celebrating reaching 50 Dojo points 🎉
We used pastels to create WWII Blitz art.

Fun Fractions! We had to cross the board and find halves along the way.
Shared Education - finding out about endangered animals and sharing our thoughts on Google Classroom.
We thoroughly enjoyed investigating which materials would be best in a blackout.
Recognising there is a link between fractions and time.
Stick Stars hockey week 2 🏑

🎉Celebrating 50 Dojo points 🎉
Fun in the snow ❄️ ⛄️
Shared Education - completing a poll on Google Classroom. We were very excited to use our new computer suite.
Stick Stars Hockey week 1


Making HTU numbers with number generators.
Using fortune tellers to revise x3 tables
WW2 Living History Programme at Palace Stables Armagh
We had a great time at Palace Stables on Friday. We made our own identity cards and even meet an American GI!
Can you spot any of our children from P4KG? They look fantastic in their costumes!
Shared Education - we met with St Patrick’s Primary School to participate in team building activities led by Burns Skills School. We thoroughly enjoyed the gymnastics, football and dance sessions.