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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Term 1 (Mrs Irvine)

Numeracy: We have been learning about “one more”. We used Numicon and Playdough as a strategy for working out “one more” within 5.

WAU: A lovely P1 mummy came to tell us all about her job as an architect - a great start to our “Under Construction” topic!

Numeracy: We can order numbers 1-5!

Phonics: A super secret agent came to visit us! He told us that there was a sound snatcher on the loose so we needed to hide our “s” secret sound symbols!

Phonics: We fed the hungry alligator “a” sounds so that he didn’t eat anyone in our class!

Numeracy: We are learning all about 5

Phonics: We learnt to write our first sound! We used muddy paint to write the letter that makes the “m” sound! Remember: Maisie mountain mountain 👧🏽🏔🏔

Learning through Play - Autumn on the Farm topic

WAU: Mrs Erskine brought in some piglets from her daddy’s farm! We asked her lots of questions and found out lots of new things! 🐖🐖

Forest School: We have been learning all about where our food comes from. We enjoyed some sausages on the fire!

Numeracy: We have been learning all about the composition of 4! How many ways can you find to make 4?!

Numeracy: We can represent 4!

Forest School: We developed our fine motor skills and finger strength by making necklaces out of Autumn Leaves! We also thought all about the number 3! Did you know that two brown leaves and one read leaf makes three altogether?

Maths: We made an obstacle course to practise our directional language!

Numeracy: We can roll the dice, subitise and write the numeral! 🎲

WAU: This week we are learning about farm machinery. Today two big blue tractors came to visit - we used non-fiction books to find out what the different types of tractors would be used for! 🚜

Well-being Week: Connecting with nature in the Forest! We made toast on the fire, built dens and whittled sticks!

Well-being Week: We did yoga for PE this week! We learnt how to relax, be still and use our breathing when we feel angry or worried!

Forest School: We celebrated becoming an official forest school with some mark-making with mud! Some of us wrote numerals and some of us wrote our names!

The World Around Us: We learnt that eggs come from hens! We followed instructions to make scrambled eggs! Yum! 🍳

Mathematics and Numeracy: We are learning to form the numeral 3.

Language and Literacy: We followed a recipe to make bread, just like the Little Red Hen! 🐓🍞

P.E: We got changed independently, made different shapes with our bodies and learnt how to walk and run into spaces. We then played clumps with numbers 1, 2 and 3!

The World Around Us: We had two special visitors called Vanessa and Henry! A kind mummy brought them to visit us. We asked her questions about keeping hens and gently stroked their feathers!

Literacy: We have been learning about compound words. We played a matching game in groups - can you guess the words?

Numeracy: We have been learning all about 3! We know that we can make 3 with 2 and 1, 1 and 1 and 1, and 3 and 0!

Forest School: We read a story about 2D shapes and then looked for them in the environment!

Numeracy: We are learning all about number 2!

Forest School: Today we learnt a new number song in the forest! Then we went on a number one hunt and had fun splashing in muddy puddles! 🌲

Numeracy: We can represent the number one in lots of different ways! We can also write the numeral one now!

Literacy: We have been practising our scissor skills!

Forest School: We listened to ‘Noisy Farm’ by Julia Donaldson. We also had fun listening for environmental sounds - we could hear lorries, tractors, birds singing, leaves rustling and our friends fidgeting and whispering! Then we had fun exploring the Hardy Forest!

Literacy: We have been strengthening our fingers, practising our pincer grip and developing fine motor skills, getting our hands ready to write!

Numeracy: We can sort for one criterion!

Numeracy: We had a teddy bear’s picnic and made special biscuits to learn about one-to-one correspondence
