Presenting our weather data as a bar graph. We were able to label the x axis and the y axis and give the graph an appropriate title. The graph was then copied and pasted into a word document and comments were made regarding the data.
We had super fun with the W5 roadshow. We learnt lots of new vocabulary and we learnt that it wasn't magic but Science!!!!!
As part of Science Week we carried out an ice experiment linked to our WAU topic on Weather and Climate. We wanted to see what would happen the ice in different conditions. We were careful to ensure we carried out a fair test. We predicted what we thought might happen then we timed, observed, recorded and evaluated our results. As it was a very cold day the ice that was placed outside took over two hours to melt which was far longer than any of us predicted!!
Week 6 Hockey with Christine Russell. The Beast from the East did its worst so we went indoors for hockey and enjoyed playing the numbers game!
Well done to February's Award Winners
Week 4 of hockey with Christine. We all learnt important lessons about passing. We all had fun playing in teams and learnt about communicating with each other. Well done to the 'Players of the week'.
We have been learning in the Roots of Empathy program about our neurons and how they get connected. We have also been finding out about our senses in our Marvellous Me World Around Us topic. We had a superb model of a brain brought in which helped us understand the different parts and their functions.
P4M led the Internet Safety Day assembly along with P3LC. They did a fantastic job speaking, acting and rapping. Their message about staying safe online was very clear. They shared ideas about how we create, connect and share respect when online. Important messages were illustrated through the SMART rules and using the Click, Clever, Click Safe icons. All children performed a great rap which highlighted how to deal with something suspicious online.
Well done to all the award winners for January!
Week 3 of hockey with Christine Russell. We all really enjoyed playing three versus three in matches. It was great to see skills being developed and used. Many of us scored goals.
As part of our World Around Us topic - Weather and Climate we were looking at the most suitable clothes for different weather conditions. We were able to complete an activity by dressing Ash in the most appropriate clothing. We were able to give reasons for our choices thinking carefully about materials and their properties.
Hockey week 2 with Christine Russell. Great fun today. Well done to all.
Roots of Empathy - Emotions
We were all able to match pictures which showed different emotions. We enjoyed visually showing our emotions and discussing how they made us feel.
Week 1 of hockey with Christine Russell. We all did really well and are looking forward to the next seven weeks of hockey. Well done to the 'Players of the week'.
Working together to plan how to use the rationing coupons on clothes for a year. What do you think they prioritised as their clothing item?
Children's clothes had lower coupon values in recognition of the fact that they would need new clothes more often as they grew. From 1942, all children were allocated an extra ten coupons, with additional coupons being issued for older children or those classed as 'outsize'.
Completing a rationing challenge to gain a better understanding about food quantities that were available during World War 2.
Congratulations to December's Monthly Award Winners .... Well Done!
P4M had experience of Living History on their visit to Palace Stables on Monday 8th January 2018. They heard about The Blitz, evacuees, rationing and many more events which occurred during World War 2. They met an American 'G.I.' based in Armagh. Each pupil created their own Identity Card in preparation for evacuation. They also visited an air-raid shelter and explored the role of an Evacuation Officer. A fantastic day with great evacuee costumes worn by all.
World War 2 evacuee photos created using the Green Screen app
Thank you to the PTA for a fantastic Christmas party
Christmas jumper day for Save the Children. We all had great fun, raised lots of money and looked super. Thank you.
Christmas Art
Congratulations to November's Monthly Award Winners .... Well done!
On Friday 17th November we visited Armagh County Museum to learn more about World War 2 (WW2). We worked well in groups and tried to identify objects and suggest reasons for their use. We found out about rationing and looked at the amount of food you were allowed. Some of us tasted a cake made from ingredients that were available during the war. The Air Raid Precaution warden's role was explained and we even got to use an air raid siren. As everyone had to have a gas mask we had great fun making one of our own!
Kate from Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council talked to us about Litter and the World Around Us. We were all able to identify different litter in our world. We enjoyed watching the videos and hearing about ways we can help to reduce litter in our environment. Some of us are keen to sign up to the Council's Green Dog Walkers scheme. It is a campaign to change attitudes about dog fouling.
Creating a collage. Children chose pictures which depicted activities that would help keep them healthy and food which could be included in a balanced diet.
Watch out X factor here we come!
We had a hula hoop competition at lunch time. Great fun was had by all but some of us just kept going ......
Congratulations to October's Monthly Award Winners. Well done!
Ditch the Dark
We all had a brilliant morning cycling, scooting and walking to school in our brightest outfits.
Ditch the Dark
September Monthly Awards - Well done
On Thursday 7th September P4M visited Richhill Library. Councillor Jim Speers, William Irwin MLA and Mayor Gareth Wilson joined us for a farm safety awareness talk from TADA Rural Support Network. There was a model farm display where we had to identify possible dangers. We had to think how we could prevent accidents from happening. We all had a fantastic morning.
P4M voted and we are pleased to present the School Council members and Eco Council members. We wish them well as they carry out their duties this year. Well done.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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