Estimating pom-poms

Solving the problems to free the aliens.

We are learning about odd and even numbers. We met ODD TODD and EVEN STEVEN.
Weighing Moon Rocks
Space Challenges!

Counting & Comparing Amounts of Money

NSPCC Number Day 2018
We weighed toys to find out the heaveist and lightest. We found out that wooden toys were the heaviest, metal were in the middle and plastic were lightest.
Lego Adding Fun
Practical Maths activities

Elf Adding Machines

We used large dominoes to help us tell adding stories. We enjoy working with counting beads and working in pairs.

Practical Maths

We made fantastic animals with our 2d shapes.

We worked in pairs to choose a number and draw that amount of spots.

Looking at 2d shapes.

Busy sorting numbers on our first day back!