Mission Measure! Today, we were tasked with working out the specific volumes of particular chemicals required by MI6. We used the process of ‘trial and error’, a common problem solving strategy!
P6W Class of 2021 - what a team!
Crazy Hair Day! A brilliant initiative to help raise funds for the phenomenal Little Princess Trust charity!
“How do you catch a dragon?” I hear you ask! As part of their ‘Greek Myths’ literacy unit, P6 have been writing instructions on this very procedure - it’s safe to say that imaginations ran wild when selecting our imperative verbs!
Save Our Home! We have been learning all about the effects of deforestation on the environment and ecosystems within a rainforest. In groups, we created role-plays within our tribe families to debate and argue against the impending diggers!
Sports Day 2021! It’s safe to say that P6W delivered the goods! From running to throwing and catching to jumping, every single pupils did themselves proud - next stop, the Olympics perhaps?
Home Sweet Home! Some budding architects in P6W - check out the wonderful rainforest shelters we made. Comfortable, cool and practical!
Bear Grylls who? We have LOVED our literacy unit on ‘Ultimate Explorers’ since returning to school - we planned, wrote and created our own survival/travel guides to equip young explorers with the information needed to thrive in the unknown!
Number Day 2021! We have had so much fun today celebrating all things mathematical! From ‘chop stick dice lifting’ to a shape-pattern-number scavenger hunt, we were kept busy!
Shared Education! Today we kicked off the fun with our friends from St Patrick’s PS in Armagh - we are starting a problem solving unit in numeracy featured around the Olympic Games! Today, we had to guess the country depending on the clues generated by our counterparts in the other school!
Forest Fractions! We used sticks and twigs to create a grid before using foliage to ‘shade’ in certain fractions and their equivalents!
Fraction Smarties! No better way to visualise the numerator and denominator than with chocolate!
The Great Wave! As part of our WAU topic, ‘Japan’, we’ve been learning about ‘The Great Wave off Kanagawa’. The Great Wave is a woodblock print by the Japanese artist Hokusai - check out our beautiful creations!
We’re Back! There’s no better way to kick off a return to school than being allowed to write on our desks... We used masking tape to create different angles; we marked and labelled the angles with wash-wipe marker; estimated them; and accurately measured them using a protractor!
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!
Christmas Advert Scripts! This week, we have been using video clips as stimuli for writing from ‘The Literacy Shed’ - we watched a range of clips from Sainsburys, M&S, John Lewis and McDonalds over the years to gage the underlying themes/messages. We then wrote our own scripts and performed them! Some budding actors and actresses in P6W!
Oh Deer! We created some beautiful art work this week in P6W - we used different colours of chalk and a blending technique to illustrate a northern lights aurora, topped off with a silhouette of a deer made from black card.
Let Me Tell You! P6W loved exchanging talking and listening presentations: from New York to Canada and catapults to fishing rods, we loved hearing about the people we admire, places on our bucket list and our hobbies and interests!
A Christmas Carol by P6W? Coming soon! We are so excited to let you see all of the work we have put into our virtual Christmas production!

Blue Peter Badge Winner! Congratulations to this pupil who was awarded not one but two Blue Peter badges for the efforts made in project work at home which obviously impressed!
Top Brick! This time, our IZAK 9 activity featured our sound use of number bonds - we were presented with an incomplete tower and had to work as a team to identify the numbers on two bricks which added together to give the number above! We love to problem solve!
Guided Reading Wednesdays! All of our guided reading sessions vary depending on the text we are focusing on: this week, ‘Roald Dahl’ were writing character descriptions; ‘David Walliams’ were generating a KWL on Florence Nightingale; ‘JK Rowling’ were creating factfiles on sea creatures; and ‘Jacqueline Wilson’ were recording the complex equipment required for a ‘Four Desert Challenge’! We love to keep busy!
‘Mo Your Own Way!’ Check out these awesome moustaches - P6W and the entire Hardy community doing their part to raise funds and awareness for the Movember charity!
Mental Maths Board Games! On Friday mornings, we thoroughly enjoy using these gameboards and spinners which test our knowledge of rounding, multiples, adding and subtracting!
Times Tables Champions! Congratulations to P6W who were this week’s worthy joint recipients of Mrs Anderson’s times table competition from P4 to P7 - they excelled with the speed and accuracy of the 9x multiplication facts!
Human Number Line/Place Value Horseshoe! One of our favourite mental maths games...we each pick a number with a given number of digits (6) Without speaking, we then have to order ourselves from smallest to largest while taking into consideration our knowledge of the place value system. Next stop - the millions!
Google Classroom! Today, we were introduced to a new vehicle for virtual learning where we can collaborate and communicate with our peers. Our three tasks included: a comment contributing to our class ‘stream’; a current affairs quiz using ‘Google Forms’; and a Fairtrade information poster on ‘Google Docs’ - we are whiz kids!
Our Revamped WAU Gallery! Check out our final masterpieces created entirely from oil pastels...
Brian Forrest’s Fair Trade Coffee Paintings! Our new topic is ‘Fairtrade’! Artist Brian Forrest’s paintings bring to life the importance of supporting people who grow coffee from around the world, helping them to build sustainable futures. We have been using oil pastels to recreate this beautiful illustration - stay tuned for the final products!
Once Upon A Picture! In literacy this month, we have been practising our inference skills - we used a variety of pictures from ‘The Literacy Shed’ online as stimuli to gage clues, ‘read between the lines’ and infer information about what’s really happening. Who said that comprehension was only a page of text?!
Perimeter in the Great Outdoors! As part of our work on shape and space, we have been measuring the perimeter of a range of quadrilaterals and rectilinear shapes. Today, we went a step further with irregular shapes and used string to manipulate the outline of a range of leaves before placing the string against the ruler to gage an actual measurement.
IZAK 9! The ‘Eliminator’ game consists of constructing a 3 by 3 wall with the numbers 1-9 facing each of us - we were then presented with a series of questions and had to ’eliminate’ the answer. The remaining numbers were then used to generate an answer for a given problem! We had lots of fun working in our groups!
Perimeter Problems! We love problem solving in P6 and today we were working in reverse: we were given a set of rectangle perimeters and had to calculate the length and breadth by generating a ‘list of possibilities’. We then were able to use multifix cubes to lay out each rectangle and confirm our predictions!
AR Target Achievers! Congratulations to these three pupils who successfully reached their AR target this month and were presented with a certificate by Mrs Anderson!
Virtual Celebration Assembly! Congratulations to our Literacy, Numeracy, ICT and Helpfulness and Good Manners award winners this month!
ICT Suite! In literacy this week, we have been exploring genre and theme whilst comparing the setting, characters and plot of a range of Michael Morpurgo novels. P6W have completed many AR quizzes on books by this author and couldn’t believe the similarities when comparing and contrasting texts by researching on the Internet!
Principal’s Award! A massive congratulations to P6W’s first worthy recipient of Mrs Anderson’s ‘Principal Award’ - this pupil has been working incredibly hard on his reading this year and achieved 100% in his first Accelerated Reader quiz! What a star!
Viking Bread! What a treat to sit by the campfire and toast our freshly made dough balls, courtesy of the National Trust for a cracker recipe! We even got to toast marshmallows with some looking a little bit more well done than others!
“No gaps or overlaps!” Today, we were looking at tessellations - we were amazed that an 8cm square of card with the letters PART can be turned into a TRAP puzzle piece that perfectly tessellates - we made beautiful designs!
GeoBoard Fun on the iPads! This week, as part of our work on shape and space, we explored a new app called GeoBoard on the iPad - this allows us to use ‘virtual elastic bands’ which can be stretched over pegs to generate a variety of shapes. Check out our creations which all have one line of symmetry!
Tag Rugby! This term, we are getting to grips with the game of rugby union. While it has taken us a while to understand the rules of the game, and the difference with other sports, we are having lots of fun and exercise in the beautiful weather!
Read All About It! We present the next generation of creative, articulate and bold journalists who didn’t leave a stone unturned when covering the story of David and Tucky, two evacuees in the Devon countryside! We created a first draft before reviewing and improving our work using the DIRT technique - we loved varying our sentence structure and enhancing our descriptions with interesting synonyms!
Illustrators! Check out our wonderful book covers which depict the plot of Friend or Foe so beautifully! What an artistic bunch we have in P6W!
Masks in Progress! As part of our Viking topic, we have been looking at the use of camouflage by warriors to reduce their visibility when attacking and raiding villages!
Mask Preparation! Today we spent part of the afternoon gathering leaves from the forest floor dressed in red, gold, orange, yellow and brown. We placed them in bags to dry and next week, we will be creating autumnal collages on our masquerade masks!
What do you meme? For our literacy homework this week, we had to create humorous and interesting captions for a selection of photographs while employing a range of synonyms (adjectives and verbs) - we loved trying to make Mr Willis laugh on SeeSaw!