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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Term 1

Number arrays in Forest School.

Healthy Happy Minds. A great learning session with ‘Henry Wee Wheels’.

Friendship faces created during anti-bullying week 😊

Gathering items in Forest School for a memory game

Making 2x fortune timers

Using only our sense of taste to identify sweet, salty, bitter and sour flavours

Apple decorating 🍎

Using only our sense of smell to identify what the object was 👃

Trying to beat our opponent when rounding 🏆

Using our senses to describe fruit and then write a poem 🍎🍊🍌🍉

It’s Autumn and hats are EVERTHING!

Completing riddles in Forest School

Following instructions and testing how strong a magnet is! 🧲

Skeleton art. Great fun creating our fun skeletons 💀

Super observational drawings

We took part in a Young Enterprise programme today about ‘Our Community’. We looked at the people, shops and services which make up our community and got introduced to tax and voting.

Using number generators to subtract multiples of ten

Using a multiples of 10 die to randomly select a number to subtract from a two digit number

Using a lollipop stick to measure items found in Forest School before sorting them into a Carroll Diagram

Sorting data on to a Tree Diagram

Freeze frames from Maximus and the Beanstalk

Forest School

Lots of practical work on place value using dienes apparatus

Action verbs

Sorting on Carroll Diagrams

Venn diagrams

Sorting odd and even numbers

Getting to know each other on Induction Day
