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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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World Around Us

Primary 7 visited the Titanic Museum

To finish our topic on the Titanic, Primary 7 went to Belfast Docks to visit the Titanic Museum. We were given a fantastic guided tour by some very knowledgeable tour guides. We were all amazed by some of the stories they told us. We also walked over to the dry dock where the  Nomadic ship is situated. Incredible to think, that was the very boat in front of us, that ferried passengers from the quays of Cherbourg on to the Titanic itself. Great trip had by all! For more pictures of the day, please go to our 'Class Trip' page to view.

To Sink or To Swim... That is the Question...

 Victorian Times

 Primary 7 pay a visit to The National Trust owned Argory house in Moy Co. Tyrone.

The pupils were transported through time to the year 1847. Ireland was still in the throws of the Famine, but there were families who were providing some work for people who were willing to leave their homes and work long hours in sometimes arduous jobs. It was a way of providing much needed food for their families. 

Primary 7 were given a tour of the house and gardens with a view to 'applying' for a job at the end of the day. Jobs on offer were; Lady's maid, Housemaid, Garden Hand and. Valet. At the end of our visit, the children applied for their jobs and the chosen few were given the relevant roles within the Argory. They were advised to go home, pack up and say goodbye to their families! Great sighs of relief were heard when the children were excused from the posts with the understanding that they go back and work hard in school!!  Have a look in our 'class trip' page for more photographs. 



P7H pupils work in groups to look at photographs from Victorian times and discuss the 'push' and 'pull' factors which led to urbanisation.

Primary Sources


Pupils study primary sources of evidence, eg photographs and documents, from Victorian times to find clues about how people used to live. 


A P7H pupil becomes Queen Victoria and answers questions set by other groups of pupils in the class.



This term Primary 7 are learning all about the Victorians. We are researching about what it was like to live and work (sad) as a child and the inventions of that time. Queen Victoria's reign and  how the Potato Famine ravaged Ireland.  

We worked in interest groups to research and find out information.

We displayed our findings in the classroom.
