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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Special end of term visitors!

Thank you to the music tutors who told us all about brass and woodwind instruments.

Great day at Sports Day. Well done to all!

West Midland Theatre - Wizard William

Stick Stars Week 8

Well done to the Players of the Week and the Player of the Month

Freddy Fitness told us we were 'Awesome', 'Cool', 'Brilliant' & 'Fantastic'

A special visit from an African Pygmy Hedgehog

Browsing in the Book Fair

Stick Stars - Week 4

Well done to the 'Player of the Month'

Stick Stars - Week 4

Well done to the 'Players of the Week'

 A special visit from two Horsfields Tortoises

Stick Stars - Week 3

Well done to the 'Players of the Week'

Number Day

Stick Stars Week 2

Well done to the 'Players of the Week'

Ditch the Dark

Stick Stars Week 1

Well done to the 'Players of the week'

Thank you to the PTA for providing a superb Christmas party!

'Every Body Active 2020' programme was organised by ABC Borough Council.  The programme is designed by Sport Northern Ireland to increase participation in physical activity and sport among target groups.  We got to try modern curling, golf and volleyball and other games.  We all had lots of fun.


Anti-Bullying - Together We Are Stronger


Enjoying gym time

Well done - members of the choir
