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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Ready, steady, cook! Thank you to Mrs Mulholland from the Livestock & Meat Commission who provided a demonstration and tasting of a’tikka mince’ recipe - yummy!

Who Am I? We loved using the Paper app to create our own digital portraits! Can you recognise?

Sports Day Fun! Ready to run!

Race across the world! We have loved writing our own survival guides as part of our Ultimate Explorers literacy unit using a range of persuasive features!

Action! P6 wrote and performed their own TV advertisements for a trip to the Amazon rainforest!

World Book Day ‘Japan’ style - can you recognise any of these well known classics?

The Amazing Journey! Thank you to Mr Robinson and guests for their interactive storytelling of the Bible - we tried some delicacies and traditional costume!

Armagh Show Entries in P6W! Check out our amazing creations which depict all things ‘agriculture’ across the Orchard County!

Board Game Time! We have mastered the skill of multiplying and dividing decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 by moving the decimal point. We tested our knowledge through a game!

A few special visitors on the last day of term 1!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas - aren’t the P6W Christmas jumpers awesome?

Talking and Listening Projects Day 3!

Talking and Listening Projects Day 2!

Talking and Listening Projects Day 1! We love hearing about each other’s personal hobbies, interests and trips away.

IZAK 9! We enjoyed playing the ‘Top Brick’ and ‘Eliminator’ problem solving challenges today - team work makes the dream work!

The Vicious Vikings! What do you think of our wonderful (self) portraits using chalk?

The Vikings! We have started our new WAU topic - check out our original shield designs!

Question time! We enjoyed writing questions for Michael Morpurgo who ended up (virtually) answering every one of them!

Illustrators! Check out our wonderful new book covers which we designed for Michael Morpurgo’s ‘Friend or Foe’ novel.

Apple Decorating Competition! Check out our wonderful creations - very hard to pick a winner!

Business Beginnings! P6 were visited by Cathy from Young Enterprise today who informed us on goods, services, entrepreneurship and everything business-related. We are looking forward to creating and selling our products very soon!

Green Day! Doing our part... morning mental maths with the lights off!

Tessellation Art! Using the ‘PART’ to ‘TRAP’ method, we created our own tessellating shapes which create a recurring pattern with ‘no gaps or overlaps’.

Conscience Alley! Should David and Tucky be helping the German soldiers on the Devon moor? We enjoyed constructing an argument ‘for’ and ‘against’.

Hockey Time! We are very grateful to receive expert coaching from Mr McKinnon each Thursday. Mouth guards and shin guards at the ready!

Well-being Wednesday! Thank you to Mrs Irvine for leading a wonderful range of activities for P6 in our officially accredited forest School!

Thumbs up for our Colour Run! What an amazing way to finish off our 'health and wellbeing' week. Take 5!

Shannaghmore Day 3! Three activities were on the agenda this morning: rock climbing, orienteering and a mysterious blind-line. We have had the best trip - building confidence; gaining independence; and developing our teamwork skills. We are ready for our own beds!

Shannaghmore Day 2! What an action packed day - we trekked the waters of Bloody Bridge and had the opportunity to jump in! Meanwhile, fears were conquered in mid-air as P6 took to the treetop high ropes course. Plenty of sleep is needed tonight!

Shannaghmore Day 1! Despite Storm Agnes brewing in Co Down, P6W braved the elements to tackle an adventure trail. We are loving our time spend with our friends in a new setting - delicious food; helpful instructors; and plenty of laughs. Here’s to 3 days of making memories!

Mario and Luigi @ the Rugby World Cup 2023 - Nintendo, hit us up if you need some new graphic designers!

The Microbit! We absolutely loved our coding session which allowed us to programme a code for a ‘beating heart’ using the most intricate of hardware!

Up to our oxters in fun! We’ve been exploring the resources published by CCEA on ‘Ulster Scots’ - one of the languages spoken on the Emerald Isle!

Rainbow Indicator! We used pH paper and the universal indicator scale to identify a range of household liquids as acids and alkalis.

Ordnance Survey! Would you believe we identified 52 OS map symbols and matched them to their meanings? The yellow table did it in the fastest time!

Roald Dahl Day! We loved using the Adobe Creative Cloud Express tool to design our own book covers - this was a new function for us to experiment with but it’s safe to say some of us have a promising future career in graphic design!

Research Brains! We have loved learning all about the different migration journeys of various animals. Today, we used the iPads to research the migration of weird and wonderful creatures!

Spotted on the coast! We have loved exploring the work of Adrian Margery whose paintings capture some beautiful landmarks here in Northern Ireland.

The Great Irish Roadtrip! We had lots of fun trying to decipher a list of Irish car registrations in order to match them to their corresponding counties!

Place Value Revision! It’s like riding a bike - we never lose our knowledge of identifying the value of a given digit.

We are back after a relaxing summer break and ready to tackle the new academic year! In P6W, we are...
