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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Our Anti-Bullying Week Video

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Pupils recorded lists on their whiteboards using commas. Just in time for Christmas!

Igloo Shopping


Pupils loved playing this game. Click on the link below to play the game:

Anti-Bullying Week


We had a busy and fun week completing activities linked to anti-bullying week. P3 were able to discuss how we are the same and how we are different. We want to celebrate our talents and differences! Pupils recorded their dreams for the future- we have high aspirations so will have to keep working hard in class. We have created a Friendship Garden by collecting items from the school grounds. There were los of similarities and differences between the leaves, twigs and stones!

Money, Money, Money


Pupils are working hard using money in class. They have been identifying coins, counting money and finding totals.  


We have played lots of games using Active Learn and traditional games like Bingo, Snap and Pairs.


Keep checking Active Learn for new games!
