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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

Get in touch

Letter from PHA re Flu Vaccines Missed

Dear Parent,


The PHA has asked the school nursing service to offer a second opportunity for children in your area to be offered the flu vaccine. We will offer this in the community rather than in school. Can you please forward the following information out to parents? Thank you.



The School Nursing Service would like to offer the Flu vaccine to any pupils who missed it in school recently. A clinic will be held on Wednesday 18th January in the OT treatment room in Villa 2, St. Luke’s   from 2.30-4.30 pm. Consent forms and information leaflets will be available at this session. You do not have to book - just turn up with your child/children and they can be given the nasal flu vaccine.



Lisa McClean


School Nursing Team Manager

Brownlow HSSC


Mobile: 07827159352

Office : 02837562180

