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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Term 1

Reindeer Run
P1 had so much fun running like reindeers around Richhill! We shouted “Merry Christmas” to everyone who came out to watch us. Thank you to everyone who gave us sponsorship money 🦌🎅🏻



Run Rudolph Run!

Still image for this video

Christmas Fun!

Celebration Assembly

Well done to our November winners ⭐️👏


We spent the morning building and problem solving using the story ‘The Three Little Pigs’ 🐷🏠

Maths Week!

We enjoyed completing a carousel of activities all focused on Practical Measures 📏⚖️

P1 loved reading ‘All Afloat on Noah’s Boat!’ before predicting weather different items would float or sink when we placed them in the water tray 🛟🚣

Forest School

This week we have been reading ‘A Squash and a Squeeze’. We then got to work building houses for the animals from the story 🐓🐐🐷🐄 We described the houses we built using words such as big, small, tall and short 🏠

ICT/Learning Through Play: 

Computational Thinking and Coding
P1 were so excited to be introduced to the Indi. We tested out ways to make a route for the Indi to travel along. We can’t wait to keep practising and working on our problem solving next week 🤖🚙

Celebration Assembly

Well done to our October winners ⭐️👏


Today we focused on practical measures and investigated full and empty using our water tray and different sizes of jugs and containers. 

Number of the Week
We have been learning all about the number 5 5️⃣

Forest School
P1 had a great time at Forest School today. We have been learning about where our food comes throughout our farm topic, so we thought it was the perfect time to treat ourselves to some yummy sausages. Delicious! The fire pit helped keep us warm on that windy day! 🔥😋🌭


In P1 we decided to celebrate finishing our ‘Down on the Farm’ topic this week by making some apple crumble! We enjoyed learning about the life cycle of an apple and different things we can make with apples - just in time for the Richhill Apple Harvest Fayre! What a great way to finish our farm topic by learning about the produce of County Armagh. Thanks Mrs Devlin for helping teach us and Miss Blevins how to make a crumble 😋🍏


Mrs Erskine brought in two piglets from her family farm. We learnt that a mother pig is called a sow, a father pig is called a boar and a baby pig is called a piglet. P1 asked lots of brilliant questions, such as “What do pigs eat?”, “Do you have to cut a pigs hair?”, “Where do they sleep?” 🐷🐷


P1 have been practising running, jumping and throwing in P.E. We have been loving learning skills and playing games like Rabbits vs. Foxes. It’s so exciting when we have races or complete challenges. Team works makes the dream work! 🏃🏼‍♂️👏🏼

Number of the Week
We have been learning all about the number 4 4️⃣

Forest School 

We read a non-fiction book all about Autumn. We then collected the fallen leaves and made leaf necklaces to work on our fine motor skills 🍁🌿🍂

Well-Being Week!

For World Mental Health day we watched  ‘The Doodle Boy’. We enjoyed listening to relaxing music and doodling things that make us feel happy 💛😁

Well-Being Week!

We loved getting to wear yellow to support World Mental Health Day! Thank you to everyone who made a donation in aid of Reach Mentoring 💛⭐️

Well-Being Week!

We loved tasting different types of fruit and vegetable for snack this week 🍉🍌🍏🥕

Well-Being Week!
P1 had great fun taking part in a dance workshop with Miss Blevins for ‘Well-being Week’. We like to move it, move it!! 💃🏼🕺🏼


THE TRACTORS HAVE ARRIVED! 🚜 A huge thank you to Burkes of Cornascriebe Ltd for taking two fantastic New Holland tractors out to our school. We loved having a look inside. Mrs Erskine turned one on, we got very excited. Thank you again!

Celebration Assembly

Well done to our September winners ⭐️👏

Forest School 
In Forest School this week, we read the story ‘Little Lion Lost!’ After, we looked for tall, small, thick, thin, big and small objects 🌿🌲

Number of the Week

We have been learning all about the number 3 3️⃣


Freddie from P1E brought in his favourite hen for everyone in the class to see - she was beautiful! 🐔 We asked Freddie lots of questions about hens. We made scrambled eggs with the eggs the hen left us, it was delicious. 


We read ‘The Little Red Hen’ and followed a recipe to make delicious bread. After it baked in the oven we got to taste it. We all thought it was scrumptious!

World Around Us

We have been learning all about sheep this week in WAU. Christopher very kindly brought in Gertrude and Glenda to meet P1!

Number of the Week

We have been learning all about the number 2 this week 2️⃣

Forest School

We read the story ‘We are the Shapes!’ and went on a 2D shape hunt! We found lots of circles, squares, triangles, rectangles and even a heart ❤️

Number of the Week

We have been learning all about the number 1 this week 1️⃣


We have been learning about one-to-one correspondence using one biscuit and one sweet. We enjoyed eating them after! 😋


We have been busy developing our fine motor skills to strengthen the muscles in our fingers to make sure we are ready to begin writing!
