Term 1
We had a fantastic morning completing our ‘Reindeer Run’ to raise funds for the Southern Area Hospice. Thank you to everyone who supported us.
Congratulations to our December prize winners!
Two million words read in one term - what a fantastic achievement!
Congratulations to our second word millionaire in P5H.
As part of our 'Water' topic, we explored the amount of water used in various everyday activities. Working in groups, we ranked the activities and estimated the water consumption for each one.
Creating symmetrical patterns!
Congratulations to our November prize winners!
We welcomed the staff of the Navan Centre Education Outreach to school. They provided us with valuable insights into what school life was like in the past.
We learnt the art of marbling with Sylvia from the Navan Centre. We used the marbled paper to create our own handmade books.
We were delighted to welcome children's author Declan Carville for a Creative Literacy workshop organised by the AMMA centre. We thoroughly enjoyed learning about the inspiration behind his stories. He guided us in creating our own stories. We even had the chance to bring them to life through animation!
A huge congratulations to our first Word Millionaire in Primary 5. One million words read in Accelerated Reader in only two months!
Congratulations to our October prize winners!
Thank you to Mrs Mulholland and the team from the Livestock and Meat Commission for a fantastic cookery demonstration.
Wear it Yellow Day! Supporting Reach Mentoring.
We loved our fruit and vegetable platter this morning. Some of us were brave enough to try something new!
Exploring homophones!
Congratulations to our September prize winners!
Using the registration plates in our school car park to solve problems using our knowledge of place value.
Exploring our new classroom!
First days in P5H