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Hardy Memorial Primary School

Preparing Pathways to Fulfilling Dreams

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Term 1

City of Armagh High School - Thank you to Mrs Mulholland and Mrs Smiton for visiting P6 this week to tell us all about what they can offer to new students at their school. Mrs Smiton even gave the pupils a snippet of what they could expect to get up to at Science Club if they chose to go to CAHS! 🧪 🏫

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Talking & Listening Presentations - a huge well done to all pupils who bravely presented in front of their class this week. It takes great courage to do so and they all did so well! Thanks to parents for your help in putting presentations together too. 👏🏼

Practical Measures - using different equipment to measure classroom items and the top playground! 📏

Wearing yellow and doodling with ‘Doodle Boy’ Joe Whale for World Mental Health Day! ✏️ 💛

Izak9 - Teamwork and problem-solving in abundance while using the Izak9 cubes for the first time. Making maths fun!

Adobe Express Live Workshop 📚 🖥️ We had brilliant fun today taking part in a live workshop using Adobe Express to create Wanted posters for a Roald Dahl villain. The boys and girls especially loved the opportunity to use AI technology to generate their own images of their villain. #RoaldDahlDay

Harland & Wolff 🖼️ Today we looked at some work by local artist, Aly Harte. We then tried recreating her famous sketch of the cranes using pencil and oil pastels. Some fantastic art on show! 👏🏼

Lots of competitive fun this morning playing a Place Value version of snakes and ladders! 🐍 🪜

P6S Induction Day (1) - Lots of budding artists enjoyed learning about Pop-Art and had a go at creating their own Roy Lichtenstein-inspired name tags! 💥 🎨
